hi hi hello!!
Do you know what is delicious in theory but absolute trash in execution? egg freaking nog. Not to be a total yum yucker, if you like it, but drinking (sometimes) boozy, extra eggy creme anglaise? It’s just not for me!! I like the idea of her, something rich, creamy and lightly spiced? Yes, yum, okay I can get behind it. But, the second I take a sip? Visceral reaction, my body actively rejects it. This may have a little something with the guy I dated in my early twenties, who drank a half gallon of egg nog every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas, for “fun”. You’ve heard of shower beers, but have you ever had to witness the horrors of shower egg nog? literal ick. So, safe to assume the relationship did not continue on much longer after that.
But, like I said, love the idea of the nog. In an attempt to make more palatable for myself, I pour it over white chocolate- you know since it is an anglaise after all. Lighten the whole thing up with some whipped cream, now we’re talking!! Festive mousse that can be divvied up into individual coupes or scooped up straight from a bowl in massive dollops. It’s great on it’s own, but even better when paired with some sort of textural contrast like a malted milk crunch (recipe from the milk bar book) or toffee rice krispies (recipe to follow). But, if you’re an all cream texture kinda gal though, you could top it off with some whipped dalgona coffee (throwin’ it back to March 2020 here) and suddenly, you can have dessert as your morning latte! It’s the last two weeks of the year for crying out loud, the rules are out the door at this point!
Oh, and I just wanna call out now, there is a miniscule amount of granulated sugar in the anglaise/nog portion. You’re gonna be like, really a teaspoon? Is this necessary? I didn’t want it to be, honestly, since white chocolate is already so sweet. But, it helps to keep the yolks from curdling while they cook.