peanut butter honey caramel corn
a sick and twisted way to get you to eat an entire stick of butter in one go
It’s crazy to think that if you handed me 5 large potatoes and asked me to eat them, I’d have to deny the request. But, a bucket full of tater tots? I could pound that in 8 minutes or less. Ask me to eat 12 tortillas? Same thing. no thank YOU. But, offer them up as fried triangles? With a little salsa? Keep them coming! And if you asked me to eat a stick of butter and 8 oz of brown sugar… well that would be sheer madness. Until you cook it down with some peanut butter, honey and drizzle it over popcorn. Well suddenly, I can eat TWO sticks of butter in and a pound of brown sugar in one sitting. Which brings us to this recipe, peanut butter honey caramel corn.
In anticipation for National Peanut Butter day next week, 1/24, (yes, one of the small things I have left to live for is the silly little national holidays. I do take the time to celebrate them). I thought long and hard about all the things I’m currently craving: sweet, salty, lotsa crunch, more salt. It’s been a while since I last made caramel corn, it’s one of the first things I ever learned how to make and it is just TOO easy. It was time she got that peanut butter upgrade.

For this recipe I used One Trick Pony peanut butter, which I recently got in a mystery pantry box from the Feed App (which BTW, use code “ibakemistakes” when you sign up to save $20 off your first order of $35+). But, any natural peanut butter will work here for the best results. I found that PBs like Skippy or JIF, while I still love them , have some ingredients in them that interfere with the textural outcome of the caramel coating. Still delish, just a little greasy and chewy rather than that snappy crunch we’re going for. Natty PBs also give a more sublte nutty flavor. I like peanut butter but I don’t want to be absolutely overwhelmed by it. So if you’re hoping from something in your face peanut buttery, it’s not this.
I’m not gonna waste any more of your time, because I do think you should hop on and make this ASAP.
1 bag of popcorn, freshly popped
2 Tablespoons water
75 grams honey, something you really enjoy the flavor of- the darker the better IMO
100 grams natural peanut butter
200 grams light brown sugar
115 grams unsalted butter (one stick)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
*optional* Maldon Sea Salt, I used the smoked since the smokey flavor pairs well with PB
Preheat the oven to 250F.
In a large saucepan (3QT capacity minimum), place the water, honey, peanut butter, light brown sugar, butter, and kosher salt. Place over medium heat and stir occasionally until the mixture comes to a boil.
While the caramel heats up, pop the one bag of popcorn on whatever your microwaves popcorn setting is. Once popped, empty the popcorn into a large heatproof bowl.
Once the caramel mixture is at a boil stop stirring and allow it to cook for 5 minutes untouched.
After the 5 minutes, removed the saucepan from the heat and add in the baking soda, whisking to combine.
Pour the caramel over the popped popcorn. Using a spatula, coat the popcorn with the caramel until evenly coated.
Dump the popcorn out on to a parchment lined sheet pan. Using the spatula evenly spread the caramel corn on the pan.
Bake for 50 minutes. Making sure you stir the popcorn every 15 minutes or so to keep any of the caramel burning in one spot.
Remove the popcorn from the oven and sprinkle with Maldon- if you’d like.
Wait about 5 minutes for the popcorn to begin to cool and then gently stir with a spatula for a few minutes to keep the popcorn from sticking in large clumps.
Allow to cool completely before before snacking.
If you manage not to eat it all at once, store in an air tight container.
TYSM! ENJOY!! XOXOo, Kassie ♡
Made this today and dang is it good!! I drizzled with some chocolate and damn it took it over the top
Oh damn, such good points 😅 and hell yes to this recipe, making it ASAP