The thing you should know about me is, I absolutely hate making pie. It’s just one of those things I am absolutely so bad at, and do not care to get better at. Because, honestly not a pie girl. I’m not gonna invest my time, energy and pounds of butter to get better at making something I’m not gonna eat!!! I’d much rather leave it up to the professionals.
Working with pie dough has always been a nightmare for me. I don’t know what it is but anytime I make a pie everything goes sideways. Notice how at the holidays I neverrrrrr offer pies? It’s because I fucking suck at making them and I’d rather humbly bow out of the game for a quarter than put myself through that torture. I also- I’ve got weak wrists and the kneading and the rolling and the shaping- the tendonitis is flaring up just thinking about it :/ Pre-made pie dough exists for a reason, and like I can even buy fancy pre-made pie shells from bakeries so like WHY BOTHER?
Now you’re probably like, why on earth would I follow a pie recipe by a girl who doesn’t make pie?? Well it’s a crumb crust pie, which I absolutely DO fuck with. So easy, so versatile, such success. Biscoff cookies? hell yeah. Ritz and digestive biscuits?? sooo good. OREOS? yes. Best of all, a crumb crust takes all of 3 minutes to put together! For this one you don’t even have to use a blender or food processor to break up the cookies, you can crush them in your hands or smash them in a bag with a rolling pin, once again, such success.
There is a touch of elder flower cordial in this, mostly because I bought it to make a version of the royal wedding cake, but ending up needing so little of it. So now I have to find other uses for it ya know. You most def do not have to go out and buy a bottle. I’ll give you measurements for the curd with and without it ♡
A mini version of this pie will be making an appearance in this weekend’s pastry box. Along with passion fruit glazed donuts, strawberry corn crumb cake, and a pina colada inspired layer cake. As a thank you for subscribing you have early access to ordering before the boxes go live for pre-sale Wednesday. The password to enter and order is “bakechats”.
For the girls who need a lil something playing in the background while they bake: