Thank you for the Turmeric Latte recipe! I'm gonna give it a try with some oat milk. Also, thank you for supporting public libraries!! I'm going on year 10 working for public libraries and yes, they are so important for so many people and so many reasons. And hell yeah to all the cookbooks.

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I love libraries so much!! Growing up they were my safe space- I love being surrounded by all the knowledge. They also have so many important resources! My laptop had to get sent out for servicing and I did all my work on computer libraries for free! It's great that people have these options avaible to them <33

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I just want to say I love u again :) I love to receive your newsletter and gain a little insight into your life your likes your interests. I couldn't tell you all of what March held for me--I barely remember. But some highlights: I baked a two-tier wedding cake for some friends, figuring out flavours and recipes and decor basically on the fly, the day before required, despite knowing about this job for actual years (the wedding was delayed by COVID/lockdowns) . I continued to have a potential health scare that became apparent last November but the month closed with the "good news" from the doctor that I needed to relax a bit... a gift. I, along with eleven others, helped with a friend's art exhibition of twelve ceramic fermentation crocks inspired by soul jars from her culture (she's Hakka--a Malaysian-Chinese people) and after the show closed she gifted me one, a belated birthday gift but also token of our lasting friendship. All in all...a rollercoaster. But I have come out of it feeling lighter and happier and more loved than ever. Best wishes for April, Kassie!!

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love u more!! also same- pretty sure only half of this list is actually from march??? time is one big blob and i cannot discern what happened when!! What flavors did you end up going with for the cake??

I'm glad you got "good news" regarding your health, i def get what you mean by "good" when it's not like "wow, you're all healthy now" but more like "hey at

least you can keep your limbs attached?" But, relaxing is good- and healthy, something i've know forEVER but only put into practice in the last few years ugh.

I hope April brings better news for health woes and more time with the ones u love!!

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The cake in the end was two tier--lemon and raspberry w raspberry coulis and white choc pop rock shards as one, and lemon-lime (since we don't have key limes here) w lemon-lime curd on the bottom. Idk if you saw pics but it was purple ombre and green ombre too. I managed to get every single thing the grooms asked for into one cake!

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