Jan 31Liked by Kassie Mendieta

After failing at another caramel recipe SIX TIMES, I tried this one and had success on the first go. It did seize up a tiny bit in my cold kitchen when i was adding the cream, but it was nothing a little heat couldn't fix, and the end result is a bowl of caramel sauce i just can't stop eating! (ok, a lie. i have to go to sleep so i put it in the fridge). My one question is about what the consistency should be when it's fresh off the stove. Still very.runny, right? I was thinking “it’s molten sugar and butter why do I expect it to be thick already?” But also “but maybe I’m wrong”

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hi hi! okay so happy to hear this caramel was a success for you! the seizing can be like ahhh oh no I messed it all up, but yeah tbh heat fixes so many of my issues in the kitchen lol

def fresh off the stove its still pretty loose, once it cools and the butter in the recipe has a chance to set back up it gets thicker for sure!

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Thank you so much! It's definitely going to be a recipe I add to many things in the future. I want all the miso things

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i wanted to make a gochujang caramel and ended up using this recipe as a guide! i was trying to think on where exactly to incorporate it and found your step of melting it down in the cream first made a lot of sense. instead of 15g miso i swapped in 25g gochujang for a deep rich spicy vibe and it worked perfectly!

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ooooo a gochujang caramel sounds delish and right up my alley! im gonna have to give it a try :) But, you’re right thats exactly when I would have added the gochujang in! What are you gonna use the caramel for!!!

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i’m gonna make gochujang caramel ice cream!! then i may get wild and use it for ice cream sandwiches between black cocoa brownie cookies :0

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